Welcome to Comfort Aircon Enterprisess

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    +91 97884 10538
    +91 97109 75411
    044 48053646
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    Susee Complex,
    Palayam Bazaar,
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Undertake Insulation Work

We Are professional. Reliable and Affortable

Windows are a common place for air to leak out of your home. There are often tiny cracks around the frame which allow it to escape. To check for any gaps, slowly run your hand around the frame. If you feel any air coming out from the edges, that means that there is a leak. Don’t worry, because it’s easy to fix. All you need to do is run some sealant over the gaps.

The two most common types of insulation are duct wrap and fibreglass. Duct wrap tends to be more efficient, while fibreglass is easier to install and also helps to absorb noise. The insulation needs to be applied to the outside of the duct to help the air stay at its desired temperature.

Load Calculation

Compfort Air System lose 25 to 40% of the warming or cooling vitality put out by the cooling and warming framework

  • Insulation: windows, roof and walls
  • Windows: Amount and size
  • Roofing: Type and condition
  • Ductwork: Layout and efficiency